Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lunchbox Recipe: Lightly Salted Popcorn and Apple Rings

Today Melissa and Kelsey have a large bag of lightly salted popcorn finished off with a bright blue ribbon, some orange slices, a bunch of seedless black grapes and some apple rings dipped in orange juice to prevent browning. I found these cute soccer ball serviettes and just had to include them as they are playing hockey today and the message "keep your eye on the ball" seemed most appropriate.

Lunchbox Recipe: Lightly salted Popcorn


1/4 cup unpopped (or 8 cups popped) popcorn
Mary-ann's Organic Seasoning Salt
Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pop the popcorn (A hot air popcorn popper is ideal). Drizzle lightly with the olive oil and season with the organic seasoning salt to taste. Toss until well blended.

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