Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Right Smell for Your Lunchbox

Our sense of taste is greatly influenced by our sense of smell. Opening a lunchbox with a fresh pleasant smell can stimulate your tastebuds and make the contents seem more appealing. We have all opened a school lunchbox at some point and been overwhelmed with an unpleasant odour or the strong odour of a less favourite item and can remember just how this odour masks all the other contents of the lunchbox itself. Our hunger pangs disappear as we pick at the items somehow seemingly unaffected by the smell.

Our sense of smell plays a vital role in our sense of well-being and quality of life.

Try adding a small lunch of parsley, mint, cilantro, rosemary or other fresh herbs to your lunchbox for an instant lift. Place the herbs directly on top of your salad or sandwich to add colour and improve the smell. No more bad odours!

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