Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lunchbox DVD: The Visual Guide: How To Make A Healthy Lunch For Kids

I purchased a copy of  the Lunchbox DVD: The Visual Guide: How To Make A Healthy Lunch For Kids a few years back. The DVD is jam packed with many useful hints and tips on how to pack a healthy lunch, it is a worthwhile investment if you want to learn everything there is to know about packing healthy lunches.

The Lunchbox DVD: The Visual Guide: How To Make A Healthy Lunch For Kids

DVD Chapters
  1. Opening
  2. Seven layer Lunch
  3. Layer 1:Presentation
  4. Themes
  5. Helpful hints: Lunchbox Safety
  6. Colour
  7. Smell
  8. Texture
  9. Flavours
  10. Shapes and Sizes
  11. Sizes
  12. Helpful Hints: Role Modeling
  13. Layer 2: Main Course
  14. Breads
  15. Soft Spreads
  16. Peanut Butter & Jelly
  17. Lunch Meats
  18. The Sandwich
  19. Bread Shapes
  20. Quesadilla's & Wraps
  21. Breadless Sandwich
  22. Pasta
  23. Rice, Soups & Beans
  24. Helpful Hints: Learning Nutrition
  25. Layer 3: Vegetables
  26. Blending & Blanching
  27. Cutting & Slicing
  28. Cutting Cucumbers
  29. Cutting carrots
  30. Fun Shapes
  31. Cutting Celery
  32. Helpful Hints: Teaching Nutrition
  33.  Layer 4: Fruit
  34. Cutting & Slicing Fruit
  35. Apples
  36. Helpful Hints: Offering New Foods
  37. Layer 5: Snacks
  38. Chips & Dips
  39. Nutritional Bars
  40. Helpful Hints: Meal Planning
  41. Layer 6: Beverage
  42. Infusing Water
  43. Juice, Smoothies & Teas
  44. Helpful Hints: Pre-Making Lunches
  45. Layer 7: Fun
  46. Toys, Crafts & Games
  47. Helpful Hints: Containers
  48. Final Lunchbox Ideas
  49. Closing
The Lunchbox DVD is based on the 7 essential layers. The Seven Layers represent the seven components (of both food and fun) for making healthy, creative kids meals. Designed by Laura Pasetta. The Seven-Layer Approach provides fun for the kids and balanced nutrition in every bite. Best of all, these ideas are quick, convenient and easy to use! Learn more about each layer in the Lunchbox DVD.

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